In January, we launched our first scratch & win action. With every purchase of €150, you received 1 lottery ticket. The main prize was a Money Pallet (or €2000 worth of frames to your choice). Beside the main prize, there was free shipping or a €25 discount to be win. (You always win) All 250 tickets were distributed over all the orders in January!
2 Weeks ago we received an email from the lucky winner in The Netherlands. Gideon who bought 2 Keep the dream alive frames was lucky enough to receive The Pallet winning scratch & win ticket!
He went for a fine selection of Mon'Art frames and not the Pallet. As Gideon and his lovely wife are moving house later this year, it was more easy to select some frames instead of chosing the table. The frames are easier to move around as the big coffee table!
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